Friday, January 28, 2011

The shape of a day

A snow day, that is. Yes, another one! (Even though the roads were clear by 9 that morning....shhh.)

It starts with my new favorite breakfast: a puffed pancake (recipe from Naomi of rockstar diaries), drizzled with Ohio maple syrup, plus fresh coffee and orange juice. Eaten at the kitchen counter while reading a rediscovered children's book. With an immense feeling of satisfaction at having finally conquered the pancake's tendency to stick to the pan.

Then there's some research for a project.

While there are lesson plans due next week, I don't feel guilty about ignoring them. Because we weren't supposed to have this day anyway.

After lunch, a long walk with a friend along our favorite route, followed by cups of hot chocolate at the end of the road. We split up to be productive, which means settling down with The Hobbit to prepare for an upcoming literature unit at school. (So there is some work after all.)

Lately I've been having trouble feeling entirely at home in Providence, and things at school have felt like the start of the year all over again (like winter break was five weeks long instead of two). But yesterday was sort of a reintroduction to my apartment and one of the best parts of the city, and today things are looking a lot brighter.

Happy weekend, looking ahead.

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